Friday and Saturday at 8:00 p.m., Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
A showcase of new comedies, new directors and original scripts from our talented members. Join us for a fast-paced evening of short plays designed to put a smile on your face.
(Note: The One-Act Bonanza is a special additional production each year, and not part of the season subscription package.)
We are seeking one-act plays for our popular July 2025 Summer One-Act Bonanza.
Submission guidelines:
1) Plays should be 10 to 20 minutes in length
2) up to 6 cast members
3) lighter fare recommended, comedies preferred
4) minimal staging requirements
5) non-published, original works preferred
6) previous productions permitted
Deadline for Submissions: 11:59pm February 6th.
We encourage submissions from playwrights of all ages, races, and gender identities.
Playwrights will receive royalties for 6 performances, July 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 20.
How to Submit:
Email submissions by deadline to producers Sarah Labov and Nancy Frick at: Please put “SOAB 2025” in the subject line.